Logo Josepha.nl

the way I work
my profile

Photograph of Laura Josepha Hendricx


Laura Hendricx
Utrecht, the Netherlands
Chamber of Commerce nr.: 30286347
BTW-nr. (VAT): NL001936811B62
+31 6 33 05 77 06

Over het voetlicht

Over het voetlicht

Over het voetlicht

Ike Smitskamp of Over het Voetlicht ('In the Spotlight') coaches and trains professionals to improve their performance, presentational skills and clientcontacts. She is the author of the book 'Woorden laten spreken, de fijne kneepjes van het presenteren' (2009), about presentational skills.

In 2008, Ike was looking for a new webmaster, and she found me! The existing website is unchanged in setup and lay-out, but I revised the code and made a css. This makes it more easy to add new pages. We also added new pages, about her book for example.

The website can be found on www.overhetvoetlicht.nl.